May 7, 2013

May to have a change?

Currently everybody are talking about the dirty election!
I'm also the one who sat in front of television and waiting for the result but keep nonsense with Sarawak. 
I spoke LOHENG I admit. Because i just want the result and not discussion with last election and now.
I'm proud to be Penang people haha. We won! So worth for all the shows, food and cash spent by HIM. We have already ate, watched and took..but we all support UBAH haha. 

Sad in our heart right when the result was coming out in the middle night.
Everyone is crying and screaming for UNFAIR! DIRTY! and MAGIC! 

They are blocking outside the primary school which was one of the election location.
All the cars were holding the flag of ROCKET.
They even took those flags from their neighbourhood, flag with car.
And  then stuck on the road, horn to show their commitment!
This have attracted me to rush out from my house to have a look with my puppy 
This is called KEPO hoho~


Fake fringe to consider me to have a hair cut on it?                          Hmm....

Boring at home seriously. 
Although I worked as maid at home as our house maid resigned which exactly right on my holidays and I am back to home town here.
Everyday wash clothes, dishes,floor...Aiyoh!~


Run out to have lunch with my sista ----> Wee house~

                                                                Rabbit curry chicken
Ubah Bird

Cutieeeeeeeeeee haha btw taste nice =D

                                                 Spot the written name!! Mr. Khoo hahaha
                                                Craving fixed haha Starbuck choco I love you!

Fuyoh~! Bought same pattern clothes with my laopo haha 
Oh nice yo (y)

I love you my friend, you are the one who always be my side whenever I'm screaming BORING and you know i need you indeed. 

22.03.2013 星期五 雨天

22.03.2013                                                  星期五                                                              雨天

                今天是最后一天上课了。下星期就是我们第三学期大考了,过后就是FOUNDATION 毕业了。时间匆匆地来匆匆地走,从来不会回头关心我们这些在它后面拼命追的人类。





紧握小背包,时不时的检查包包里重要物品的存在。好怕别人乘机拿走。看着电话,检查简讯,接你的来电,你温馨的要我一个人小心,到了回电给他。心里微笑的说:‘我会的 。两个人的背影就只有我了,没有大手给我牵着走,一种莫名的感觉涌上。好没安全感。自己会比较小心的认路,不然会迷路,因为他没在身边,迷路了不能带着我去到该去的地方。要学会一个人了,懂吗?




在一天无意间的告诉他后,隔天就送来一个热袋包。我把它收起来,没什么用。几个晚上后,我宿舍楼下,他的一封简讯 下来】。我带着好奇心到楼下,看到他右手热水壶, 左手一手热袋包的。












8.15pm 我在餐厅里吃着晚餐。槟城出名的ASAM LAKSA。这一次的走街其实是去解决他刷卡的一点小麻烦和把他存款存进银行。解决啦。
外头毛毛细雨,累得很的你已抱头大睡了。我在房里休息够了熬夜温书考好成绩。 FIGHTING!

Mar 9, 2013

Annual Dinner~007 Secret Agents

Time flies~~
One year course almost end so~

With  Vivian
With Chloe
Group photo with all pretties
Two J Agents (Jyer & Jeff)
With my dear <3 td="">
With my dearest
All pretties with MeiMei
Party Rcck!
Choosing the best couple
With Mona
Pretty Agents 
With sexy Elaine
With my dear and evelyn

Awesome night for all of us.

I LOVE YOU       all my friends.


Hi 大家好 =D
Finally i'm back to my blog! 
It's great to be here and share all my stuff  and feeling.
Currently, I'm study in Mahsa University in Petaling Jaya, KL. 

Parent sent me to college =)
Room mate's Birthday 
Halloween Night!
Outing with dearest 
Outing plant research with lecturer
Swimming pool in Uni
Participant in Education fair in Mid Valley
Laboratory lesson with lab coat

Uni Life START!